Dogs are funny.
Yes, they’re also protective, selfless, loyal, and smart. But for the most part, they are weird, crazy, and funny. Why not start a blog about your dog to show the world what’s particularly weird about your trusted companion?
Or better yet, your dog could blog.
Sure, they’ll need your help with the technical stuff and the typing and whatnot. But it’s the least you can do. A dog with a blog? Who could resist reading that?
I’ll show you how to get a blog set up quickly and inexpensively. Then you can explain to your dog how it all works.
How to Build a Funny Dog Blog
Okay, that title may be a bit misleading. I can show you how to build a blog, but the “funny” part is up to you. And your dog, of course.
But you won’t have to look too hard to find humor in your dog. Their behavior is weird and funny enough on its own. For example, I’ve never had a dog whose legs didn’t move involuntarily when I rubbed their belly. Sound familiar? Sound weird?
Has your dog ever quenched its thirst using your toilet bowl? Tell me that isn’t weird. Barked at themselves in the mirror? Greeted you in front of a pile of chewed up pillows when you come home?
Okay, the last one isn’t exactly funny, but with a little imagination, you could make it into a funny story.
What You Need to Set Up a Blog About Your Dog
Every blog needs a home, a web host. For that home, I recommend GreenGeeks hosting. It’s optimized for WordPress, which we’ll talk about in a minute, and the support is top-notch.
As a bonus, GreenGeeks is powered by renewable energy. Have you ever met a dog that wasn’t a proponent of renewable energy? I haven’t.
WordPress, Your First (and Last) Stop for Blogging
There are other blog programs out there, but I recommend WordPress. It’s not only the biggest, but it’s also the best. It’s been around forever (in dog years), and it just keeps getting better. You can’t say that about a lot of web technology.
Installing and Using WordPress Is So Easy a Dog Could Do It
WordPress is famous for its ease of installation. But we’ve made it even easier to install on a GreenGeeks-hosted website.
WordPress Is Perfect for Any Blog, Funny or Not
If you’re not convinced by the 27 million users, just take WordPress for a spin and decide for yourself. It’s number one for a reason, as you’ll see when you get your blog up and running. It’s consistently updated and modernized, and there’s no other blog software like it.
The Right Themes and Plugins for a Blog About Your Dog
WordPress is pretty impressive in and of itself. But it’s also pretty bland when it comes to the default appearance. That’s where themes come in. Here are a couple of themes that can be good starting points for your blog.
My Dog Lite
My Dog Lite is a responsive WordPress theme that can be used with page builders like Elementor. It integrates with WooCommerce if you want to sell items on your blog, and it works well with any other plugins.
Pet Business
Pet Business is a lightweight WordPress theme with a clean, modern look. Show it to your dog. See what they think of it. Most dogs aren’t hard to please. Give them food and a place to sleep, and they’ll approve of any theme you put in front of them.
Check out these other free dog-related WordPress themes.
WordPress plugins help your blog do things WordPress doesn’t do by default. As far as a blog on dogs is concerned, most of the available plugins aren’t of much use. You’ll still want some plugins, of course. Every WordPress blog can benefit from using some common plugins.
But there is one plugin that has dog humor written all over it. No blog about a dog would be complete without it.
Meme Me
Meme Me adds a custom style to the WordPress image block. To create a meme, just select the custom style and add a caption. Instant meme!
I don’t usually recommend plugins that have only been downloaded a few times. But Meme Me is an exception. It’s easy to use, and it works great. And trust me, every picture of your dog can be made funny with the right caption.

How Do You Promote a Dog With a Blog?
When it comes to marketing and promotion, I’m a big proponent of personality. Meaning when you’re promoting your site or writing posts, bring your personality to the forefront. Give people a reason to follow what you do and keep coming back to your site and posts. The competition is stiff in the world of blogs, so provide something unique.
Since you’re writing about your dog—or as your dog—the personality part should take care of itself. That being said, there isn’t a promotional avenue or tool that I’d recommend specifically for a blog about your dog. Unlike a business blog, it’s okay to use your personal social media accounts to promote your dog blog. Let your friends know what your dog has been up to.
If you’re clever and create a blog about your dog that becomes popular, you might then consider marketing and monetizing. But it’s a fact that doing something you enjoy for the sheer fun of it can lead to success. So start with the fun and think about the promotion if or when the time comes.
Hi, sorry to interrupt. The guy writing this article just walked away. It seems like he leaves every ten minutes. I’ll bet he doesn’t tell you about all of his weird “work” habits, does he? My name is Pickles, by the way. What are you laughing at? You think I chose that name? Believe me, I didn’t. I’ve always seen myself as more of a Raymond or an Archibald. But when the person you live with calls you “Pickles” a hundred times a day, well, eventually you give up. It’s easier to answer to it than to argue. You should see how people look at him in the park when he yells, “COME HERE, PICKLES!” They think he’s crazy, and they’re not wrong.
Listen, between you and me, I think this dog blog thing is a good idea. It gives me a chance to tell my side of the story. It’s not easy living with this guy, that’s no lie. It’s the same thing every day. Do I like playing ball? Yes. OF COURSE I do. But does that define me? No. It’s not who I am. Would it kill him to break out the dominoes once in a while? And don’t get me started on my diet, which I have to supplement through cunning, deception, and outright thievery.
And HE NEVER LEAVES THE HOUSE, this guy! Hello? Pickles needs some alone time. Isn’t there an office you can go to? And please explain to me why he doesn’t want me on the couch unless HE’S on it. What kind of weird, codependent thing is that? Oh, like, what, I’m going to GET TOO COMFORTABLE without him? Who does this guy think he is?! Lording over me with his rules and his tennis balls…oh oh, here he comes. SEND HELP!
A Blog About Your Dog Is Serious Business
Wait a minute, where did that last section come from? I was only gone for a minute. What is this…oh, nice. So, I guess I’m a tyrant. Very funny, Pickles. Thanks a lot. I should leave that there so people can see how impossible you are.
And where did she learn how to create a heading? In italics, no less.
Jeez, this dog…
Anyway, where was I? Right, your dog blog is a serious business.
I mean, it could be. If your dog rescues people or has been trained to detect diseases or something.
But for most of us, dogs are the furthest thing from serious business. They’re around to distract us from serious business and remind us that life is fun. So creating a blog about your dog may not be the most important or serious project you ever undertake.
But it could be your most fun project.
Hopefully, this article has sparked an idea or two and covered all the technical bases.
And taught you never to allow your dog to get too close to your keyboard…
Great by all means and a very informative blog. I’ve learned something new today, keep up the good work!
Thanks for the suggestion, would definitely consider it.
Love your content! Keep up the great work 🙂