Regardless of what kind of content you create, visitors like the ability to rate it, and you can give that to them in WordPress. By using the schema markup, you can also have a review help you rank on search engines.
However, like most things in WordPress, you are going to need a plugin to add the feature. Luckily, I have found the perfect one: Review Schema. This plugin allows you to add a customizable review section on any post or page in WordPress and uses the schema markup.
Today, I’m going to show you how to use this plugin to improve your SEO in WordPress.
What Is Schema Markup?
You’ve probably heard of schema markup before but don’t have any idea what it is. That said, I guarantee you have seen it before.
Schema Markup is a type of HTML that allows you to tell search engines more about your content. This can come in a variety of forms such as showing a review rating on Google to showing contact information or directions to the store.
This extra information is referred to as a rich snippet or rich result. And it makes your website look unique when surrounded by websites that do not utilize it.
Essentially, if you’ve ever looked up a restaurant, I guarantee you have seen the schema markup in action. And that’s because it is proven to boost SEO ranking, as a result, just about every website has adopted this format.
And if you think of restaurants, do you click on the one that has a 4 out of 5 stars or the one that has no info? You probably click on the one with more info.
The more information you provide to Google, the better your website will rank. It’s really that simple.
How to Add Review Schema in WordPress
Step 1: Install Review Schema
The Review Schema plugin uses the schema markup to display reviews in WordPress. This will make the reviews appear in the search results when viewed on Google and other search engines. Thus, making it stand out.
The plugin offers a variety of customization in terms of the way reviews look, thus it will fit into any type of website.
Let’s start by clicking on Plugins and selecting the Add New option on the left-hand admin panel.

Search for Review Schema in the available search box. This will pull up additional plugins that you may find helpful.

Scroll down until you find the Review Schema plugin and click on the “Install Now” button and activate the plugin for use.

Upon activation, you will be brought to the plugin’s support section. It contains a helpful YouTube video that explains how to use the plugin.
Step 2: Settings
While you can begin immediately by creating a review in WordPress, you shouldn’t. Instead, you should take this time to fill out the settings section of the plugin.
This is where you enter information like the company address and more.
If you use WooCommerce, there is a dedicated setting section for you to fill out to help integrate this plugin.
On the left-hand admin panel, click on Review Schema and select the Settings option.

There are five main tabs that deal with various aspects of the plugin.
The first tab is Review. This tab allows you to set up Google Recaptcha information to prevent bots from leaving fake reviews, allow for multiple review submissions, and decide what the review field will look like.
For the review field, you can give users the ability to leave a rating, description, title, pros & cons, image, video, or for it to be anonymous. And you can choose as many as you like by checking the appropriate boxes.

Don’t forget to click on the “Save Changes” button. The next tab is called Schema and it is where you enter all of the information related to your business. It’s broken up into four sections: General, Site Info, Address, and GeoCoordinates.
You just need to go through each section and fill out the appropriate information.
Under Schema, there are actually additional tabs for this tab. They include Organization Information, Social Profiles, Corporate Contacts, Publisher Info, and Third Party Plugin.
Simply click on each one and insert the appropriate information if applicable.

If you use WooCommerce, be sure to fill out the WooCommerce tab information. If not, you can safely skip it. The media tab just allows you to select the minimum size and supported image type.
And lastly, the Support tab just contains a video.
Step 3: Create a Review Schema
Now it is time to actually create an interface users will interact with. The good news is that it’s pretty simple to use and there’s a lot of choices available.
First, click on the All Review Schema option.

Next, click on the “New Review Schema” button.

This is the review schema generator and it’s quite straightforward.
At the top, create a title. For example, if this is for customers to leave reviews on your blog, name it, “Blog Reviews.” You can create a unique review option for everything on your website, so be descriptive.

Next, you need to select the post type. Your only choices are for post and page content, so choose the one that works for you.
In the support section, you have three choices. Keep the default option of “Review with Schema JSON-ID.”

Now you can select the design of the review. You can choose the criteria, review summary layout, and the review layout. Some of the options are only available in the Pro version, though.

If you click on the Settings tab, you will be able to adjust various settings. Many are only available in the Pro version. All of the settings are controllable through a switch, so there’s not much to it.
Next is the Schema section. This just consists of one option that allows the plugin to automatically generate a rich snippet. I recommend turning this on because you would need to create it yourself if you don’t.
Doing so will open up a new option, which will have you enter the structure data type.

Lastly, there is the Style section. This is where you customize everything from font size to color. Go through the settings and pick the best options for your site.
When you are finished, click on the “Publish” button.
After that, you can see the review options available on every post or page depending on what you selected.

Congratulations on setting up the Review Schema plugin. You can make changes to it at any time and create new versions for different types of content.
User Reviews Help Build Trust
One of the biggest mistakes that any online retailer can make is to not allow user reviews. While it can be scary to open the door to bad reviews, they can only help you get better at delivering an excellent user experience.
And to be perfectly honest, if you do not allow reviews on your own platform, they will just leave those reviews on others. For example, when you think of restaurants, you usually check something like Yelp to get some more information.
There is no escaping reviews, but the power of good reviews can really help your business shine. Have them front and center.
Have you noticed better rankings since using this plugin?