Managing your GreenGeeks Account - GreenGeeks Support Tue, 23 May 2023 17:01:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Redis on EcoSite Premium Fri, 05 May 2023 17:59:57 +0000 GreenGeeks offers the Redis application to our EcoSite Premium customers. Each customer gets their own Redis instance that is not shared with another user. Redis is currently only available for customers on the EcoSite Premium network segment. Enable Redis in cPanel Login to cPanel Go to the Software section and click...

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GreenGeeks offers the Redis application to our EcoSite Premium customers. Each customer gets their own Redis instance that is not shared with another user.

Redis is currently only available for customers on the EcoSite Premium network segment.

This feature is still being rolled out on the EcoSite Premium network and is not yet available on all servers.

Enable Redis in cPanel

Login to cPanel

Go to the Software section and click the Redis icon.

Redis in cPanel

Click the “On” radio icon and then the Submit button to save changes and enable Redis.

Turn on Redis

Once Redis is enabled, you will be provided with the Linux file system path to your Redis socket.

File System Path

Redis PHP Extension

The “native” PHP version does not include the Redis extension.

To connect Redis to your PHP Website, you will need to enable the Redis extension for your PHP version using the Select PHP Version tool.

Redis PHP extension selector

For instructions on using the Select PHP Version tool, refer to the  support article.

Enable Object Caching in WordPress

GreenGeeks recommends using the Litespeed Cache plugin as it offers native support for Redis.

Login to WordPress admin, and access your Litespeed Cache plugin, under the Cache link.

LiteSpeed Cache

Within the Cache settings, access the Object tab.

Object Tab

Within the Object Cache settings we need to enable set the following settings:

  • Object Cache = On
  • Method = Redis
  • Host = [path to your socket]
    • Copied from the cPanel Redis page, example value /home/username/tmp/redis.sock
  • Port = 0

Click Save Changes at the top-right to save these new variables.

Save Cache Variables

Once you have saved changes, refresh the page and you should see Connection Test: Passed indicating a successful Redis connection.

Object Cache Settings

Object Cache Testing

To test the output, enable full debug logging in the Litespeed Cache toolbox using the following steps:

  • Select the Litespeed Cache Toolbox option

  • Select [6] Debug Settings tab on the Toolbox page

  • Disable All Features = Off

  • Debug Log = Admin IP Only

  • Admin IPs = Add your own IP to the list, it will be shown below.

  • Debug Level = Advanced

  • Click Save Changes at the top-right.

Object Cache Testing

Once saved, this will allow Debug level logging for IPs listed in the Admin IPs field. Other IP addresses will not see these logs.

To see the debug info, view the source of a page from the front-end of the website.

At the bottom of the source will be the cache information, including Object Cache.

<!– Page generated by LiteSpeed Cache 5.4 on 2023-05-04 17:14:10 –>
<!– X-LiteSpeed-Cache-Control: private,max-age=1800 –>
<!– X-LiteSpeed-Tag: 9a2_tag_priv,public:9a2_HTTP.200,public:9a2_PGSRP,public:9a2_post,public:9a2_URL./2020/07/11/hello-world/,public:9a2_Po.1,public:9a2_ –>
<!– Object Cache [total] 1806 [hit_incall] 1756 [hit] 23 [miss_incall] 21 [miss] 6 [set] 4 –>

After testing, ensure that Debug Log is set to Off to avoid unnecessary overhead going forward.

Further Information

For extended information about what is going on with the client’s Redis instance, there are alternative applications like RedisPHPAdmin, but these are not officially supported or provided by GreenGeeks.

For assistance with Redis on EcoSite Premium, please contact a Support Lead.

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How to Access Your GDPR Data Mon, 30 Jan 2023 17:00:05 +0000 GreenGeeks has released a new dashboard update concerning account privacy. Customers can now request account records and delete their profiles completely from the dashboard. Go To the Privacy Page Log into your web hosting account. In the top right corner, click on the downward arrow and select the My Profile...

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GreenGeeks has released a new dashboard update concerning account privacy. Customers can now request account records and delete their profiles completely from the dashboard.

Go To the Privacy Page

Log into your web hosting account. In the top right corner, click on the downward arrow and select the My Profile option.

My Profile

There are two new additions to this page.

Access My Data Records

First is Access My Data Records.

This is a listing of all data held by GreenGeeks in regard to the customer’s account. This includes things like service information, ticket history, invoices, and more.

Customers can click on the “Access My Records” button.

Access My Records

This will open an additional dialogue box asking you to confirm that you want the records.

Confirm Button

The request will be shown in the request table below and the download button will be made available once the request has been fulfilled, and the data generated.

Data Requests

The data is supplied as a JSON export and may take up to 24 hours to generate, and the export JSON will be available to download for 60 days.

Request Profile Removal

This is to request that GreenGeeks will delete any data held about the customer’s account. Only the customer can make this request. A customer service representative cannot do it on their behalf.

Simply click on the “Request Account Closure” button to remove your profile.

Request Account Closure

NOTE: The client can only request removal if they have no active services. Clients with active services cannot be deleted.

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Cloudflare cPanel Plugin Deprecation – What You Need To Know Thu, 12 Jan 2023 21:33:06 +0000 Cloudflare has formally announced the discontinuation of all Cloudflare partner plugins at the end of 2022. The end of support for the Cloudflare partner plugins means GreenGeeks will no longer be able to offer Cloudflare within your cPanel dashboard. Why did Cloudflare discontinue support for the Cloudflare cPanel plugin? Due...

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Cloudflare has formally announced the discontinuation of all Cloudflare partner plugins at the end of 2022.

The end of support for the Cloudflare partner plugins means GreenGeeks will no longer be able to offer Cloudflare within your cPanel dashboard.

Why did Cloudflare discontinue support for the Cloudflare cPanel plugin?

Due to maintenance and support costs, Cloudflare ceased active development on the plugin some time ago.

This lack of development means that at the software level, the Cloudflare cPanel plugin still depends on legacy elements no longer supported by cPanel, including the Paper Lantern theme and the cPanel v1 API.

How will this impact my domains already using Cloudflare?

There will be no impact on your website resulting from the plugin removal.

GreenGeeks hosted DNS zones previously configured through the Cloudflare cPanel plugin will continue to work.

Domains already pointed to the Cloudflare nameservers will not be affected and don’t need any adjustments.

What does this mean for my Cloudflare account?

If you previously were utilizing the Cloudflare service from your cPanel, you’ll need to manage your DNS records directly from the Cloudflare dashboard.

You can log in to your Cloudflare account from the Cloudflare Dashboard here:

If you aren’t sure about the email address or password used for your Cloudflare login, you can reset or retrieve this information from the Cloudflare dashboard:

Can I still use Cloudflare DNS with my GreenGeeks hosting service?

Absolutely! GreenGeeks allows customers to utilize any third-party DNS service they wish, including Cloudflare.

How do I set up a new domain with Cloudflare with my GreenGeeks hosting service?

New domains need to be configured directly through the Cloudflare Dashboard.

Configure the domain in your GreenGeeks cPanel as usual, then log into the Cloudflare dashboard and click +Add Site at the top.

Go through the step-by-step process to add a new domain and set the new nameservers. Then, re-create any DNS records from the existing zone.

For more information, refer to the Cloudflare documentation:

Are there benefits to using Cloudflare directly?

Yes! The previously available Cloudflare cPanel plugin only had a fraction of the features that Cloudflare offers, such as Page Rules or country-specific blocking.

Pointing a domain to the Cloudflare nameservers allows access to all of the features and additional control over the DNS, such as sending A-records through Cloudflare (instead of only CNAMES).

Can GreenGeeks re-add this plugin within my cPanel account on a Managed GreenGeeks VPS?

The Cloudflare cPanel partner plugin relies on legacy cPanel components that are no longer fully supported by cPanel.

Thus, even if GreenGeeks could re-install the Cloudflare plugin, it would not function correctly as some of the necessary components have been disabled on Cloudflare itself.

Does GreenGeeks plan to re-integrate Cloudflare?

Although the situation is outside our control, we understand that this change may inconvenience you and your users, and we sincerely apologize for the disruption.

GreenGeeks is exploring alternatives for making Cloudflare available in the future via the GreenGeeks Dashboard without the depreciated cPanel plugin.

If you have questions regarding the Cloudflare plugin, our team is always ready to assist you via Phone, Live Chat, or Support Ticket.

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What Does GreenGeeks Mean by Unlimited Hosting? Thu, 21 Apr 2022 18:38:36 +0000 GreenGeeks strives to provide the best hosting products to our customers, as well as top-notch, industry-leading support. As per our website, GreenGeeks offers “unlimited” services with regard to disk space, bandwidth, and other similar resources concerning normal website operation. While GreenGeeks does not put physical limits on your account with...

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GreenGeeks strives to provide the best hosting products to our customers, as well as top-notch, industry-leading support.

As per our website, GreenGeeks offers “unlimited” services with regard to disk space, bandwidth, and other similar resources concerning normal website operation.

While GreenGeeks does not put physical limits on your account with most resources unless stated otherwise, there are physical limitations on each server. As such, this does not allow for infinite use of server resources and requires us to monitor all servers for excessive usage.

Will GreenGeeks take action against my account if I’m using too many resources?

GreenGeeks may, at its discretion, reach out to you should we notice any, but not limited to the following:

  • Excessive disk space consumption for backups or other files unrelated to website operation
  • Excessive disk space consumption for media files, such as image files, audio and/or video files
  • Excessive disk space consumption for emails in excess of 10 gigabytes per cPanel account

For customers hosted on GreenGeeks’ EcoSite or Reseller platform, hosting backups, excessive media files, or excessive email storage can lead to server performance issues, ultimately affecting all customers on the same server.

Due to these concerns, we may reach out when we notice any excessive usage that may lead to future server degradation.

All accounts hosted at GreenGeeks are subject to the GreenGeeks Terms of Service and Acceptable Use Policy with regards to content hosted on our network.

I’m not sure if my account complies with GreenGeeks’ policies. What can I do?

In most cases, normal website operations will not cause excessive storage issues. That said, we are always happy to review your account and advise you of our findings, as well as provide you with recommendations on how to improve your account’s performance.

To request a review of your overall usage, simply open a new Support Ticket via your GreenGeeks Account and our team can take a look. If you have specific concerns regarding a particular issue, such as email disk storage, we can provide details to assist you.

I got a notice from GreenGeeks regarding my usage. What can I do?

Don’t worry! It’s easy to lose track of your usage when life gets busy. We are more than happy to get you back on track, including helping you reduce any overages you are facing or upgrading to a new plan to accommodate your usage.

In many cases, you may have simply outgrown the hosting package you originally signed up for. Whatever the case may be, we’re glad to help.

Please note that if our team reaches out to you concerning a possible violation of our policies, your account has likely reached a critical point, at which immediate attention is required.

As such, our team may be forced to take action to restrict your account immediately, or within a specific time frame, should we not hear back.

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What is the GreenGeeks Parked Landing Page? Wed, 08 Dec 2021 23:26:54 +0000 My domain is redirecting to a “Parked by GreenGeeks” page. What does this mean? GreenGeeks utilizes a DNS cluster to point all domains to our network. This means all of our domains use the same nameservers no matter which server you are hosted in within the GreenGeeks network. To better...

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Domain Parked By GreenGeeks

My domain is redirecting to a “Parked by GreenGeeks” page. What does this mean?

GreenGeeks utilizes a DNS cluster to point all domains to our network. This means all of our domains use the same nameservers no matter which server you are hosted in within the GreenGeeks network.

To better secure your domain against malicious use by others, GreenGeeks may routinely park all domains registered via our website or those pointing to GreenGeeks that aren’t yet hosted with us to a default landing page.

How can I remove my domain from this default page?

For your security, we kindly ask that you open a ticket to release your domain within the GreenGeeks Account associated with the domain in question. Once our team has verified ownership of your domain, we can easily add it to an existing GreenGeeks service, or update your DNS on your behalf to point it to another provider.

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GreenGeeks Resource Alerts Fri, 05 Nov 2021 19:48:38 +0000 GreenGeeks aims to provide the highest quality web hosting for customers hosted on our web hosting platform. To help achieve this goal, we routinely monitor our network for excessive resource usage as per our Terms of Service. Accounts found to exceed these limits may receive an alert notification. I got...

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GreenGeeks aims to provide the highest quality web hosting for customers hosted on our web hosting platform. To help achieve this goal, we routinely monitor our network for excessive resource usage as per our Terms of Service. Accounts found to exceed these limits may receive an alert notification.

I got an alert about resource usage on my account; what does this mean?

In most cases, GreenGeeks alert notifications are simply a courtesy to make you aware of any potential problems before they affect your website.

It may help to think of it as a “check engine” light for your car but for your GreenGeeks Account. So, if you receive a resource usage alert, don’t panic!

What are the types of alerts?

GreenGeeks currently monitors all accounts for excessive usage of inodes, computing resources, and network bandwidth and other items under our Acceptable Use Policy.

More information on inodes and the resource issues that come from excessive inodes, or other resource usages, can be found below:

How will I receive these alerts?

If your account is using excessive resources, you’ll be notified via your GreenGeeks Dashboard. In addition, a corresponding email will be sent to the registered email address on file for the GreenGeeks account with similar information.

What are my options after receiving a GreenGeeks Resource Alert?

There are several options that you can take to resolve the resource alert, depending on the type of alert. Note that all of these options are available from within your GreenGeeks Account.

1) Self Resolve – Resolving the alert by reducing your usage below the threshold.

For an inode alert, the easiest way to resolve the issue is to delete any old files you are no longer using. This includes any emails that are older than 30 days, the trash or spam folders in your email accounts, duplicate directories, website backups, or unused websites that you may have forgotten about.

Once you are below the alert limit, the alert is marked as Resolved automatically.

2) Upgrade Your Account – Depending on your total usage, there is more than likely an upgrade solution available.

You can reach out directly to our Sales team via your GreenGeeks Account for possible upgrade solutions from the Resource Alert section of your GreenGeeks Account.

3) Have GreenGeeks Help – Our team is more than happy to assist in reviewing your account and providing more information.

Our team can take a closer look as sometimes files may be hiding where we least expect them to be, or an alternative solution may be available.

You can open a Support ticket directly via the Resource Alert section of your GreenGeeks Account.

Can my account be suspended for exceeding resources?

Yes. GreenGeeks will make every effort to allow you to continue to use the service, however in certain scenarios, to ensure the performance and reliability of our service for you and other customers, your account may be suspended for excessive use.

Rest assured, even if your account has been restricted or suspended, our team will still be more than happy to assist you in resolving your resource usage issues.

Simply reach out to our team via your GreenGeeks Dashboard, via the Resource Alert section as explained above, and our team will be able to assist you further.

What happens if I don’t take action on these alerts?

Your account may be suspended, or have HTTP access blocked by our automated monitoring systems for not taking action regarding an Active alert.

This means you must resolve any Active alerts, or reach out to GreenGeeks for assistance in a timely fashion to prevent any interruption in service.

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How to Prepare a Domain for Transfer from GreenGeeks Thu, 15 Apr 2021 17:17:02 +0000 In this article, I’ll show you how to prepare your domain to transfer from GreenGeeks. It’s a quick and easy process that shouldn’t take you more than a couple of minutes. 1. Log into your GreenGeeks Account at: 2. Access Your Domains Click on the Domains tab on the...

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In this article, I’ll show you how to prepare your domain to transfer from GreenGeeks. It’s a quick and easy process that shouldn’t take you more than a couple of minutes.

NOTE: Domains that have been registered with, or transferred to, GreenGeeks within the last 60 days are NOT eligible for transfer.

The 60-day timer starts when the domain is successfully transferred to, or registered with, the GreenGeeks’ registrar.

1. Log into your GreenGeeks Account at:

2. Access Your Domains

Click on the Domains tab on the left-hand side of your dashboard. If you do not see the dashboard options, click the three-lined icon next to the GreenGeeks logo on the top left.


3. Disable ID Protect and Registrar Lock

Click on the Manage button for your domain.

Manage Domain

Click the switch icons to disable both the Registrar Lock and ID Protect.

Disable Domain Options

You’ll be asked to continue in a new popup window. Just click the Save button for both options.

4. Generate the EPP Code

Once you disable the Registrar Lock option, you’ll see a new button appear on the right to “SEND EPP / TRANSFER CODE”

Click this button to send the EPP code for transferring your domain. This email will be sent to the registrant’s email on file for this domain.

Send Transfer Code

NOTE: You can see the registrant information by clicking the Domain Whois tab at the top.

Domain Whois


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Managing User Access Thu, 12 Nov 2020 22:53:39 +0000 From your GreenGeeks account, you have the ability to assign multiple users to your services. This is helpful if you need outside assistance or have a team of developers ready to get to work on your website. With Multiuser support, you can delegate who has access to what. And all...

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From your GreenGeeks account, you have the ability to assign multiple users to your services. This is helpful if you need outside assistance or have a team of developers ready to get to work on your website.

With Multiuser support, you can delegate who has access to what. And all of this without the worry of giving someone full control over your GreenGeeks account.

Table of Contents

  1. What is Multiuser Access?
  2. How Do You Add New Users to Your Services?
  3. How Do You Remove a Multiuser Account?
  4. How Do I Leave a Shared Service?

1. What is Multiuser Access?

With Multiuser access, you can assign others to manage specific services on your GreenGeeks profile. This means you can bring in team members or other assistance to help with your website development without granting access to your primary account.

For instance, what if you manage several services but only need help with one domain attached to just one of them? Instead of handing over your login credentials for the entire GreenGeeks account, you can invite someone to help manage that single service.

How Does Multiuser Work?

As the primary account holder, you can invite others to access only parts of your GreenGeeks profile. After accepting the invite, he or she will only have access to that one service you assigned.

So, if you have a web developer helping you build a website, he or she only has access to those elements.

What Can Users Do?

Users added to services can:

  • Interact with GreenGeeks support on your behalf.
    One of the highlights of multiuser support is letting your web developer contact GreenGeeks support for you. So, if there is a problem that needs to be addressed, your user can contact us without your credentials to log into the GreenGeeks dashboard.
  • Access cPanel for website development.
    Having someone help you build a website often means giving him or her access to cPanel. This means the user can then make file changes, install scripts and platforms like WordPress, manage email accounts, and more.

2. How Do You Add New Users to Your Services?

Inviting someone to gain access to your services is quite easy. Once he or she accepts, the user can help manage the specific service.

Step 1: Access Your GreenGeeks Account Manager

Step 2: Open Your Profile Settings

Click on your user profile on the top right corner of the Account Manager.

User Profile

Step 3: Open “My Profile”

Click the “My Profile” option from the drop-down window.

My Profile

Step 4: Open “Account Access”

Click the “Account Access” option. It’ll be the option on the far right.

Account Access

Step 5: Invite a User

In the “Approved Access” section, click the “Invite” button on the far right of the screen. This will open a new popup window.

Invite User

Input the email address of the user you want to invite.

Add User Email

Using the drop-down field, choose the service you want to give access to. If you only have one service, this will be the only one available.

Choose the Service

Click the “Invite” button when done.

Invite the User

Once the individual accepts the invitation, he or she will be listed under the “Approved Access” users.

3. How Do You Remove a Multiuser Account?

Removing a user from accessing your services is quite simple, and it will only take a few seconds of your time.

From the Account Access screen in your GreenGeeks dashboard, click the down arrow on the account you wish to remove.

Approved Access Accounts

A new box will appear under the individual’s profile in Approved Access.

Click the “Delete Access” option.

Delete Access

A confirmation window will appear. This will show you the account email and client ID as well as the service you’re removing the user from.

Click the “Delete” button.

Delete Account

The user will then be removed from the service.

4. How Do I Leave a Shared Service?

From the Account Access screen of your profile, scroll down to “Shared with me” and click the down arrow of a service you wish to leave.

Shared Service Settings

From the drop-down window that opens under the account, click the “Delete Access” link.

Delete Shared Access

A confirmation popup window will appear. Verify this is the account you want to leave and click the “Delete” button.

Verify Leaving

You will then be immediately removed from the shared service.

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What is Multiuser Access? Thu, 12 Nov 2020 22:50:32 +0000 With Multiuser access, you can assign others to manage specific services on your GreenGeeks profile. This means you can bring in team members or other assistance to help with your website development without granting access to your primary account. For instance, what if you manage several services but only need...

The post What is Multiuser Access? appeared first on GreenGeeks Support.

With Multiuser access, you can assign others to manage specific services on your GreenGeeks profile. This means you can bring in team members or other assistance to help with your website development without granting access to your primary account.

For instance, what if you manage several services but only need help with one domain attached to just one of them? Instead of handing over your login credentials for the entire GreenGeeks account, you can invite someone to help manage that single service.

How Does Multiuser Work?

As the primary account holder, you can invite others to access only parts of your GreenGeeks profile. After accepting the invite, he or she will only have access to that one service you assigned.

So, if you have a web developer helping you build a website, he or she only has access to those elements.

What Can Users Do?

Users added to services can:

  • Interact with GreenGeeks support on your behalf.
    One of the highlights of multiuser support is letting your web developer contact GreenGeeks support for you. So, if there is a problem that needs to be addressed, your user can contact us without your credentials to log into the GreenGeeks dashboard.
  • Access cPanel for website development.
    Having someone help you build a website often means giving him or her access to cPanel. This means the user can then make file changes, install scripts and platforms like WordPress, manage email accounts, and more.

Multiuser Support is Simply Convenient

From an owner’s standpoint, assigning a user to your account is better than giving that person your login information. It’s a convenient element to let others easily help you build a website. And, it eases the stress of giving someone your primary account information.

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How to Remove a Multiuser Account Thu, 12 Nov 2020 22:30:53 +0000 Removing a user from accessing your services is quite simple, and it will only take a few seconds of your time. From the Account Access screen in your GreenGeeks dashboard, click the down arrow on the account you wish to remove. A new box will appear under the individual’s profile...

The post How to Remove a Multiuser Account appeared first on GreenGeeks Support.

Removing a user from accessing your services is quite simple, and it will only take a few seconds of your time.

From the Account Access screen in your GreenGeeks dashboard, click the down arrow on the account you wish to remove.

Approved Access Accounts

A new box will appear under the individual’s profile in Approved Access.

Click the “Delete Access” option.

Delete Access

A confirmation window will appear. This will show you the account email and client ID as well as the service you’re removing the user from.

Click the “Delete” button.

Delete Account

The user will then be removed from the service.

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