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  4. How Do I Get My ClientExec License?

How Do I Get My ClientExec License?

To obtain your ClientExec license, please open a ticket in GreenGeeks with the subject “Request ClientExec Licence.” In the body of the ticket, include the domain name you would like to have licensed.

GreenGeeks provides licensing for the ClientExec software, but we do not provide technical support for the product. Installation documentation and support are available at

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  1. Hi, although the article is correct and helpful. I found myself not catching that ClientExec is the billing system offered by Green Geeks. So being new and just knowing that you offer billing and not knowing that it was through ClientExec, this article meant nothing to me until I finally called and asked and found out what ClientExec was. So a suggestion would be to add that this is your billing solution to this article if possible.

    1. Thank you for the suggestion, we’ll pass this off to our web team to figure out how to make it a bit easier to understand.

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